Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day Three on South Beach

I have to be completely honest.... I do NOT like eating only proteins. Jeremy and I talked last night about this diet and he isn't convinced that this is very healthy to do to my body. Until yesterday, I had not cheated at all (except for a piece of gum... dire straits for my breath).

Jeremy also said he would help me with exercising more, so I went outside with him and helped rake and pick up grass piles to put on the compost. I broke a sweat and gained a few more mosquito bites, but I am convinced that exercise is key when it comes to losing weight (just ask Jillian Michaels). Back to my eating, though: since I was losing my desire to eat at all, I skipped supper and woke up so hungry I couldn't sleep. So I ate a cookie with a couple sips of milk.

And this morning.... I found I am FINALLY under 220!!!!!

I will stay on this diet to continue the weight loss, but will also "cheat" at times just for the sake of sanity.


  1. Ok so Wendy...this is a great thing it seems a lot of my friends have been doing different diets that have really been working...I'm happy that your getting your weight down. Do it now before you get any older because can I just say how hard it is to get it off later. I'm still 19 years after Lani's birth still trying to get these pounds it's hard.

  2. Dear Wendy! I just saw the comment you left on my blog - it's very obvious that I am such a slacker when it comes to updating! How are you? I see you're on a diet - how's it working? Wishing you all the best! Ivana
