Friday, September 24, 2010

Wanting to Write

It has been a thought in my head since I was a child that I would like to write a book. Early on, I had some creative bursts and would make up a story, often drawing on personal experiences. Now that I have even more experiences under my belt, like motherhood and understanding more about abuse and family relationships, I thought it might be a good time to actually write something down in earnest.

Nothing has been set in stone. I may just try my hand at making something into fiction. All I know, is that many people have said my life is so full of drama I figure there must be at least one story in there somewhere.

In other news, I fell down the stairs during our workday last Saturday. No one was able to watch the boys as I had initially planned (they got sick), so they were my first priority... but during naptime, I was going to organize and exchange toys from their play area. I had gone upstairs to soothe Jonah back to sleep and decided to bring a handful downstairs to add to my pile. Those of you who have been to our home know that our stairs are steep and the steps are shallow (your foot doesn't fit on the stair completely) and they are taller than normal stairs. On the way down, I wasn't holding the railing (because my hands were full) and my foot slipped.. and kept slipping down one stair, two, three stairs and finally on the fourth stair I completely lost it and fell headfirst down the rest of the way through the gate entrance. Thankfully, Jeremy was home and was able to wait on me the next couple of days... he even took Monday off work to help me with the boys.

As he has gone back to work for the rest of the week, I noticed my ankle (though not broken) has not been feeling better over time... it is actually feeling worse because I am needing to be on it so much taking care of the children. Oh, the complications of life.

Well, that is my little bit of excitement for the month.