Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jonah Mark

We are pleased to announce that Jonah Mark has finally joined us.

He was born 11/16/09 at 11:11 pm. He was 8 pounds 8 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long.

Here is my newest cutie!

When I posted my last entry, I was in true labor... I just didn't realize it. Since it was rather sporadic (and, no, Ivana, I didn't feel like pooping or have diarrhea), I nearly didn't make the calls to get to the hospital. I was concerned with being embarassed if it was only a false alarm. Thankfully, God forced me to have a change of heart and made all the calls and I got to the hospital in time to find out I was dilating very quickly and the contractions were 1 1/2 to 2 minutes apart.
It was important that I leave for the hospital early enough because we live 45 minutes away. Jonah arrived 6 hours later. I did get an epidural... and will continue to get them with any future children. They are painful to get in, but so worthwhile for being able to rest rather than "labor" through contractions and then have the energy for the pushing to come. I ended up pushing for 30 minutes. The entire experience this time around was so different than what I had with Jeremiah. It sounded like a baseball or football game. My doctor sounded like the announcer telling what was going on in real time... Jeremy was counting through the contractions and telling me when to breathe... and the nurse had her pompoms and was the cheering section. It was absolutely hilarious. The atmosphere in the room was happy.
Maybe later I will get into the story of Jeremiah's birth. Suffice it to say, it was more oppressive the first time and definitely not a happy feeling.
So thankful it is over and to be back home getting on with life. Jeremy is staying home the rest of the week and he is pampering me very sweetly.


  1. YAAAAY!!! I am SO happy for you! Your delivery story is hilarious:)))) I wish I could have an epidural.. I am also very pleased to hear that your hubby will be with you all week:) Enjoy!

  2. Glad to hear you are home. I look forward to seeing little Jonah. Let me know when a good time would be to come up for a visit.
