Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week 39

Today's doctor visit was very informative. I got checked and found that the dilation has progressed, but Jonah is still not "engaged"... he's still a floater. Next Thursday is the official due date and if nothing has happened by then, my doctor suggested making an appointment to get induced a week after the due date (so, November 19 would be the inducement date if things don't go naturally).

I really hope Jonah decides to get things going before then because we have Thanksgiving plans and a dinner at the church on November 21 where I have committed to making two pies. It would not be very polite if I backed out at the last second.

Jeremy is hoping Jonah will arrive by his birthdate... November 10. We'll just have to wait and see.

The good news is that Jonah is placed properly.. head down, butt up. Yea for small miracles. We'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Wendy,
    sorry for not staying in touch lately. I can't say I was busy, but I was definitely a bit of a "floater" myself, at least in my mind.
    My B-day is on the 20th so I'm rooting for that date:))) just kidding!
    I hope things start naturally for you and jonah, because being induced was the worst thing that ever happened to me (with my first child).
    My state took a bad turn, since it seems that only one stitch is now holding the cervix together... I'm such a dilater:)))
    Anyway, I'll keep praying. And one more gentle thing I need to say to you, my friend:): DON'T YOU EVEN THINK OF MAKING THOSE PIES!! Woman, people WILL understand that you got distracted:D!!
