Friday, January 22, 2010

What is love?

In the dictionary, love (the verb) has so many definitions. It is to have profound tender, passionate affection; to need or require; to benefit greatly from. All of these apply when speaking about our relationships with others. But, is there a different kind of love when thinking of the marriage relationship?

Obviously, we are all familiar with what Scripture says love is: "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..." (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a).

That description, though, shows that love is not just a feeling. Love is also a choice. Love is there regardless of one's feelings at the moment. Love remains because of a commitment made to one another. It doesn't matter what the reasons were for taking vows. All that truly matters is that the vows were taken before God and must be kept. It doesn't matter if there are disagreements or struggles or confusion about whether or not love exists now. All things can be worked out between two followers of God.

That probably sounds trite and not nearly thought out enough; but I do truly believe it is the truth... not to mention, the right thing to do. God hates broken relationships. And, yes, I am one to talk about unresolved relationships (oh, the irony). As far as depends upon yourself, be at peace with one another. Make a relationship work. If both parties are amenable, reconciliation and love and peace will be restored because both will be working on their side of the relationship.

It sounds like I'm making it out to be so easy or simple. I'm not. This is complicated. There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with. Maybe the marriage took place too quickly and didn't give either of you time to recover from the past; but you belong to each other and are perfect together. It would be wrong to walk away because of struggles and arguments over family issues or confusion about whether or not you love each other. I know you do. Don't give up until you realize it. I do truly believe that God meant you two for each other. You understand and support one another like no one else ever could. You truly do complement each other and that is a gift from God. Don't let your families divide you... you are one in Christ and cannot be separated without severe damage to you both.

Jeremy has admonished me to not take everything to heart and overly burden myself with my friend's problems and concerns. I really am trying not to. The last thing I want to do is push my friend away because of the added stress of my concern. It must be heartwrenching to be dealing with these issues and I only want to be a support and a cause of good counsel.

I really care about you, friend. Don't hesitate to call me if you want to talk.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Which Things are "Loss"?

Yesterday at church, our pastor was teaching on Philippians 3:1-11. Paul refers to his heritage and education within the Judiaistic beliefs system. He was zealous and blameless according to the man-made laws of his day. But when he saw Christ and his heart was changed, he realized everything he thought was good and right was actually not important or counted to his benefit... it was counted as "rubbish" or "dung".

What things in my life did I count on? Before salvation, I counted on my righteous behavior. I wasn't a bad kid. I obeyed my parents without fail. I had a bad attitude many times, but it was well-concealed. I was a good little hypocrite.

After salvation, in my daily life.. I am trying to be a godly wife and mother. I am trying to have a good attitude concerning my responsibilities and duties which are neverending. What am I trying to gain? Is it earthly peace and contentment? Am I trying to save my children (in whatever manner you choose to apply it)?

I have really been struggling with what I have been doing and whether or not it is "enough". Yes, I have an infant and a 2 1/2 year old... but is that really an excuse for not doing/being more? Am I fulfilling my responsibility as a mother in terms of their spiritual growth and knowledge? I have been really lacking in that area and am trying to find a children's Bible that would fit well with our childrens' age... it MUST be accurate and preferably not selective about only telling certain stories. I want the whole Bible for my children to begin learning and understanding who God is and why He is important in their lives.... whether they choose to believe or not.

"...I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (v. 14)

Crumbs and Curses

I did really well last week, but this weekend the temptation of brownies and cookies got the best of me (I don't even LIKE cookies and brownies much). I gained 4 of the 5 lost pounds back. So, I am basically starting all over again. But I WILL do it.

I have 4 more exercise videos from the library and I am starting it today. Back to tracking everything I eat.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week 1

I have succesfully completed my first week exercising and dieting (by watching how many calories I eat) and.... LOST 5 POUNDS!

I'd say that is a pretty good result.

Monday: Exercised with Kathy Lee Gifford cardio tape and stayed properly on the diet.
Tuesday: Exercised with The Biggest Loser cardio tape and stayed on my diet.
Wednesday: Day of rest because of soreness from the BL tape... a little loose on my diet.
Thursday: Did some butt-buster exercise for 5 minutes and rested because I was still sore.
Friday: Exercised again with the BL tape... stayed on my diet.
Saturday: Day of rest (because it's a weekend!) and splurged a little on the diet (because it's the weekend!).

All in all... very well done, I think. :-)

Did weigh: 230
Now weigh: 225

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Weighty Issue

Since getting married, I have gained an inordinate amount of weight.
At our wedding (size 10)
My size 8 jeans met Jeremy in 2006... after being married for 6 months (just prior to getting pregnant), I was a size 16. Now, don't get me wrong... numbers aren't everything. But, according to my BMI and all that junk, I am officially obese.

(nearly present day... at a 2x)

After having Jeremiah, I really tried to be active and walked 3 miles roundtrip to the library... but didn't lose much of anything. During my pregnancy with Jonah, we were riding our bikes 8 1/2 miles until the doctor told me to stop. Now, I am at a lovely 230 pounds after pregnancy. I am baring all because I want the encouragement from everyone to know exactly where I am at physically.

Last week, I started interval training. I have spoken with my cousin and my brother (who are both fitness buffs) and they have encouraged me by giving some ideas of how I can exercise without spending money or going outside (since it is a balmy 4 degrees today).

Unfortunately, despite running between chairs and fitness tapes with Kathy Lee Gifford (which actually packs a punch) and some stretching yoga for an off day, I have NOT LOST A SINGLE POUND (I actually gained half a pound).

Today, I picked up some discounted frozen meals that help me count calories easier rather than trying to figure out what and how much I can eat of the food I make for the rest of the family. Jeremy is a carb freak... and I can't eat that or I get fat (as evidenced). So, I am now stocked up for at least a week of prepackaged meals to help me get started.

I will try to check in and update you (and myself) weekly so we can see progress... hopefully for the better.