Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our weekend

This weekend has not been very good for Jeremiah. My poor little boy has conjunctivitis in his eyes and the medicine we were using wasn't strong enough to kill the infection, so this morning I took him to Urgent Care instead of going to church.

He has been such a trooper. He was so excited to see the fish aquarium in the doctor's office and spent the time in the waiting room talking about all the fish and the colors and the one who was "eating the rocks"... more like eating the algae off the rocks.

Then when we were called in for his basic vitals and why we were there, the nurse was so kind to him and let him be involved in watching the buttons she pushed and all the "thinking" when he stood on the scale and she took his temperature and his blood pressure from a "bandaid on his finger".

After that, we had to go back into the sign in area and I was admitted into the hospital with an armband with all Jeremiah's information and the receptionist giggled when Jeremiah wanted to have his own bracelet... so she made him one, too. Jeremiah thought it was so cool, that he's still wearing it nearly eight hours later.

When we were finally called into a room to see the doctor, another nurse plied Jeremiah with stickers of dinasaurs and trucks which kept him busy the whole time. Usually, when we go to the doctor, Jeremiah isn't happy about all the instruments in his face; but we had talked during the drive in the car about how they were going to look at his eyes and he needed to keep them open for the doctor... and he did really well. He looked at the light and let the doctor stick things in his nose and ears as well, with no fuss.

That's my big boy! Now, he's outside with Daddy playing baseball with his whiffle ball and bat.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad he took it so well:) It is such a blessing coming across a nice doctor. I'm really happy that we've found one here in Gradiška for our boys. Thanks for the update, and hang in there:)!
